
incentivizing artistic impact and growing hope in our community

these community fridges, murals and other public artworks will forever stand as symbols of our commitment to food justice, to ending food insecurity, and to amplifying artists

Providing resources to artists, organizations, and the community for a more creative future! We hope to encourage the next generation of creatives to make social and cultural impact within their communities and at the larger scale, because creative means kindness..

Here, at art4good., we consider all art forms to be healing - music, storytelling, art, comedy, media - just to name a few. By sharing resources for different art forms, we aim to improve symptoms of mental health and/or disorders, aid in child development, and create meaningful work.

We collaborate with goodstuff, Whipple Learning Cove, and others to offer free workshops to children, and provide artists to perform at community events. Come join us at our block party this year!

419 schools in New York City lack even one full-time, certified arts teacher...16% of schools have no arts or cultural partnerships and 10% of schools have no dedicated arts room...Nearly half of the schools that lack both a certified arts teacher and an arts or cultural partnership are located in the South Bronx and Central Brooklyn.
— State of the Arts: A Plan to Boost Arts Education in New York City Schools